
Friday, May 17, 2013

Armchair Audies Best Solo Female Narration And The Winner Is…

Armchair Audies Best Solo Female Narration And The Winner Is…
Links take you to my full review

My Choice for Best Solo Female Narration-The Unseen Guest (The Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place #3) by Maryrose Wood, narrated by, Katherine Kellgren- This book is up for an Audie Award for Best Solo Female Narration and I do believe I have found my winner! For me I believe that to win an Audie Award a narration has to truly wow me and this narration did just that more than any of the others in this category.
As with the first two books Katherine Kellgren’s narration is so fabulous with a lot more people making wolf sounds, and an ostrich we can’t forget the ostrich! Every voice is distinct and every animal sound/voice is fabulous. Kellgren’s range is so unbelievable that at times you wonder if there is more than one voice narrating but no it is all Katherine. It is books like this one that make me realize why Katherine Kellgren is one of my all time favorite narrators. This book is up for an Audie Award for Best Solo Female Narration and I do believe I have found my winner!

2nd place-The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by, L.Frank Baum narrated by, Anne Hathaway- Anne Hathaway did a good job with so many different voices but I had a hard time with the voice of the Scarecrow because it sounded like Marge Simpson. Listen to the sample on audible then go to youtube and listen to Marge Simpson it was too close to being the same voice I just couldn’t picture the Scarecrow in my head because the voice was Marge! That was the main voice that was just wrong and it took me out of the story, the rest of her voices were good with a few being annoying and some just not fitting, like a valley girl voice just seemed out of place. I guess I liked her narration overall I just wish the Scarecrow had sounded different. I would recommend this audiobook even with Marge Simpson cast as the Scarecrow! I can see why this book was nominated; as much as I am not a fan of Audible’s celebrity A-list (because the real A-List is all the great narrators who do this for a living), but Anne does bring many voices to the mix maybe at times too many because some of them don’t seem to belong in the land of Oz but what do I know I’ve never been there!

The Boy in the Suitcase by,Lene Kaaberbøl, Agnete Friis narrated by Katherine Kellgren- This was my first Adult book narrated by, Katherine Kellgren and as always she does a wonderful job, I just love the timbre of her voice. She also does all the different eastern European accents very well. A job well done!

Juliet in August by,Dianne Warren narrated by, Cassandra Campbell- Cassandra Campbell’s narration is very good with softness when needed, she was able evoke the emotion I believe the author was trying to convey. I only had a small problem with a mispronunciation of the town of Regina which is not pronounced like a name but Reg-I-na (with an eye sound on the I not an E sound). I am honestly not sure I would have finished this without Cassandra’s narration her voice always makes me want to keep listening.

Call The Midwife by, Jennifer Worth narrated by, Nicola Barber- I first want to start off saying I was a bit leery of this one on audio as I had a previous experience with Nicola Barber that I felt didn’t go well, but what I found in this narration was really good, much better than I had been expecting and made me not look twice whenever I see she has narrated a book.
Here is what I said in my review: Nicola Barber narration is very well done, going from British to Irish to Cockney accents all seamlessly. CD #6 felt like it ended in the middle of a sentence, but the way some of these stories just trail off I could be wrong about that.
Which I admit wasn’t much but I was very impressed with all the myriad of accents she had to go through and thought she did very well with each of them.
Nicola Barber’s narration was well done but not sure if it will top my list in the end.

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