
Friday, May 24, 2013

Armchair Audies Mystery Category Wrap-up and the winner is….

Armchair Audies Mystery Category Wrap-up and the winner is….

I was late coming to the Mystery Category and time did get away from me but I did listen to enough of each of these to make a decision on which one I felt was the best…So without further adieu my choice for winner is….

Cosham’s pure raw emotion is what put this one over the top for me it was exquisite. He has a silky yet gruff voice that I love, his slight French/Québec accent is just enough to let us know where these books are set but not so much that the accent is annoying or hard to understand. Towards the end of this one Cosham really brings the raw emotions to the surface beautifully.

2nd place-The Nightmare: A Novel (Joona Linna #2) by Lars Kepler, Laura A. Wideburg narrated by, Mark Bramhall:
Any of you that follow me know I love Mark Bramhall he is a master storyteller, however I think I have figured out that I am not a big fan of the Scandinavian mysteries, I don’t know if it’s that they don’t translate well or if it is just me I am guessing the latter. However as always Bramhall’s narration was great and he pulls off all these names and places very well and even does some slight accents, I was glad he didn’t try to go full on accent. All his characters were unique in a subtle way.

3rd place-The Good Thief's Guide to Vegas (Good Thief's Guide #3) by Chris Ewan, narrated by, Simon Vance:
This is a fun series, I enjoyed Chris Ewan’s writing and of course the narration by, Simon Vance was beautifully done he gives our anti-hero a snarky qualities that fits the text perfectly. It’s Simon Vance and I think you can never go wrong when you see is name as narrator.

Dan Butler’s narration was good but I’m honestly not sure if it was award worthy. He had a few different characterizations but they weren’t always consistent, but his narration of the main character was well done and I felt he captured Jack’s snarky humor very well. I would listen to other narrations by Dan Butler.

5th place-And When She Was Good by, Laura Lippman, narrated      by,Linda Emond: 
I will admit I did not finish this one and won’t be going back to finish it for me neither the story or the narration was memorable I listened to about 3 ½ hours and was bored to tears, the narration was ok but nothing to write home about.

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