Sunday, July 31, 2011


Hi everyone,

Welcome to my little corner of the universe. I hope you will enjoy my reviews and ramblings. I am kind of random so you will never know what I may be posting about from day to day. I try to review every book I read no matter how little or how much I have to say. I recently got a Nook Color so I will be reviewing e-books, I am also an audiobook addict and lucky enough to be able to listen to them at work so I will be reviewing these too.

I am also a TV watcher and Netflix has become my favorite channel because I can watch a series from beginning to end. I have made my way through all the British shows they have available for streaming and have been on a 2 month marathon of the Stargate shows which have become a favorite I am now almost done with Stargate: Atlantis and will be giving my opinion on the entire series at a future date.

I am also the proud grandma of 2 fabulous children who are 6 & 3 and have inherited their grandma’s and mother’s love of reading.

I am lucky enough to be a librarian in a small town I do not have a degree I received the job because of my love & knowledge of books.

So now you see why I said I’d be rambling I do tend to do that I hope you all won’t mind.

1 comment:

  1. Our firm, Bostick Communications, distributes press releases via e-mail for our clients who are authors.  These releases make contacts, such as yourself, aware of new books that are available for review.
    We would like to add you to that database to receive releases from our clients. 
    We send out 2 releases per day on the average. You have the opportunity to specify certain genres that you are interested in to reduce the number of releases you receive, if you wish.
    There is no obligation on your part and you may unsubscribe at any time.
    Thank you for your time to consider our service.
    Ken Eason
    Bostick Communications
