
Sunday, February 10, 2013

My Travels to Louisiana

Some of you may have noticed I have been missing in action that is because I have been on vacation. I went to Louisiana to surprise my sister for her 50th birthday. 

We got in on a couple Mardi Gras Parades and toured some plantations, here’s a look at my travels.

The first plantation we went to was The DestrahanePlantation  it was an interesting tour the only drawback was our tour guide was not southern and was dressed like a colonist so it just didn’t feel like he fit there. Being a reader of course I was fascinated that parts of Interview with a Vampire were filmed at Destrehane .

 This was also the location of the 1811 SLAVE REVOLT and was used as a refuge for freed slaves after the civil war.

Next we went to the Laura Plantation  this was a fascinating tour and our tour guide was a very southern young man he wasn’t costumed but was a great tour guide. This was a very interesting plantation because it was run by 3 generations of Creole women. 
Here are Laura’sMemoirs  which I will be reading soon.

I also picked up an interesting book in the gift shop The Lost German Slave Girl: The Extraordinary True Story of Sally Miller and Her Fight for Freedom in Old New Orleans by John Bailey

These slave shacks were extra fascinating because they were moved here in 1976 after the last residents moved out of them, which was so shocking to me and I thought I wish I was an author what an interesting story this would be to write a history of who lived in these houses from slavery to the 70’s

Those who read my blog and follow my reviews know I love southern fiction and now it will come even more to life now that I have actually walked through the plantations and slave quarters. And seeing the houses and the countryside will help me envision it more thoroughly in my head.

I have a whole stack of reviews to write so stay tuned and we will be back to our regularly scheduled programming. 

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