
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Can You Help Me Find Happy Books?

An older friend of mine is going through a very serious health crisis and at bookclub after reading Little Bee, she said “boy I hope our next book is a happy book I can’t deal with anything really heavy I need to read something happy.” She has a nook on my account so I decided to fill it up with happy books I’m a librarian, I read a lot of books this should be a breeze. Yeah not so much….
I have realized I don’t read many “happy” books there may be happiness in them but there is always another darker element to the story. I have favorites that make me happy or cheer me up but usually it’s more about the characters I cared about when reading them, also I am in a different place than she is, she is the sweetest lady who would do anything for you and has had some hard knocks, and next month has to has surgery and will be laid up for at least 6 weeks.

So what I need is your help dear readers can you please recommend some happy books?

She is a fan of Dave Barry and Fannie Flagg (but she’s read them all) she reads pretty much anything , except Romance and fantasy and sci-fi. She has already read The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, Saving CeeCee Honeycutt, The Homecoming of Samuel Lake and the Stephanie Plum Series, which were the main ones that came to mind she doesn’t read fantasy but I may suggest her trying it maybe start her out with The Eyre Affair or my other happy book The Hitchhikers Guide but not sure she’d read them.
And please no self-help you can make yourself happy crap!

 I have been searching for 2 days and in searching I’ve realized this is kind of a personal question because everyone has different reasons for certain books to be happy books to them.
All I’ve come up with is so far is:
Edith Wharton Complete works
The Works of PG Wodehouse
A few Poirot and Miss Marple
The Best American Humorous Short Stories

Pretty sad I know Please help me find something from this century!

Either comment on here or you can find me on twitter @MissSusie66


  1. I consider all of Jane Austen's books to be 'happy' books because she always gave her characters a happy ending. :)

    I love Edith Wharton but there's always a dark undertone in her stories.

    I would recommend a Henry James book that I recorded for LibriVox (I know -- you're thinking -- Henry James? Happy?) called The Europeans. I loved recording it and it's definitely a comedy. It was a nice light read after recording The Golden Bowl. (Which I love but it's definitely NOT in the happy category.)

    Also Edna Ferber's books are ones I would consider happy books. The endings are nice. :)

    Hope these help!

    Lee Ann

  2. Thanks!! I will add them to my list!
