
Monday, October 29, 2012

The Art Forger by, B.A. Shapiro narrated by, Xe Sands

The Art Forger by, B.A. Shapiro narrated by, Xe Sands
Highbridge audio
10 Hours

This is a fascinating look at the art world and Claire’s role in it; I guess I never realized there was such a huge business in painting reproductions. When Claire shows her own works though she wonders; if you are so good at making reproductions, plus have a bit of scandal attached to you are people really there for your art or the novelty which is sad for Claire.

Claire is at times so naïve but it seems like it is mostly with them manipulative men she allows in her life, Aiden & Isaac, and what bothers me is she doesn’t even realize it half the time even in the end *no spoilers*…

This book made me want to do more research on the art world, forgers and thieves and I hope that it was an exaggerated view on the art world but I have a feeling it isn’t so farfetched.

This book is well written, a bit of a slow build trying to figure out the mystery of which painting is real and which isn’t and made me wonder how many of the “masterpieces” out there are really forgeries? I also liked that she tied this into the Gardner Museum heist because I remember that happening and it always fascinated me.

This is a quick story that I wish had been longer with more information and the end felt a little rushed. I did wish there was a bit more meat to it, more background on the relationships and why Claire allows herself to be used in the ways she was. All in all though I enjoyed this book I just wish there had been more of it. I would definitely read more by this author.

Xe Sands narration is great when Claire gets nervous and scared when she thinks she’s going to get caught my heart was in my stomach she made me feel those emotions so fully! There is only a small quibble I wish that Isabella’s voice had been a little more different than Claire’s sometimes it took me a second to realize that the story had switched to Isabella. But other than that I thought Xe’s narration was very well done.

3 ½ Stars

Full Disclosure: I received this book from the audiobookjukebox Solid Gold reviewer program & Highbridge audio for an unbiased review.


  1. Hi there, just letting you know that you are in my Featured Book Blog sidebar for November on Carole's Chatter. Have a great week.
