
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Gone Girl by, Gillian Flynn narrated by, Kirby Heyborne & Julie Whelan

Gone Girl by, Gillian Flynn narrated by, Kirby Heyborne  &  Julie Whelan

Warning this book may cause whiplash from the crazy twists and turns.

This is a very hard book to review without spoilers because you must experience it for yourself. So I am going to try to give you some thoughts without any spoilers…

It took me a little while to get into this book because the two characters are not very likable, it is told in very well done alternating narratives giving you a background on both of them. Another warning these characters don’t get any more likeable, but once this book grabs you, hang on for dear life because you are in for a heck of a ride!

I was very impressed with Gillian Flynn’s writing and have since gone out and bought her other two books however I will warn you there is A LOT of swearing I don’t mind some but there were times this seemed a bit much . This is NOT a happy book and the conclusion may perplex some but I guess I was satisfied with the ending (No Spoilers).

I listened to this on audio narrated by the wonderful Kirby Heyborne & Julia Whelan who both did a great job embodying these characters.

This isn’t an in depth review because I don’t want to spoil your enjoyment of this story as it unfolds. Would highly recommend this book for bookclubs because you will want to discuss this one when you are done!

4 Stars

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