
Friday, July 6, 2012

The Chaperone by, Laura Moriarty narrated by, Elizabeth McGovern

The Chaperone by, Laura Moriarty narrated by, Elizabeth McGovern

This book though, mentioning in the synopsis, the silent film star Louise Brooks she is a secondary character to her chaperone on a trip to NY when she is 15. Her chaperone Clara is the star of this book, she is an unfulfilled wife whose children have grown and gone off to college so she decides to become Louise’s chaperone for a summer trip to NY. Clara has ulterior motives for wanting to go to NY, she was an orphan train child and she seeks to find her parents. But what she finds in NY it something else entirely.

This was a good book, I probably didn’t like it as much as some but I did like it. There were times the story bogged a little but the things Cora lived through in her life; the historical details were fun from hemlines, to talkies, prohibition, the women’s vote, and birth control. Clara was a remarkable woman who was ahead of her time and lived quite a life.

Elizabeth McGovern’s regular speaking voice has this accent that is kind of unrecognizable to a certain part of the county or really to any particular country and it seemed even more pronounced in this audiobook. I liked her narration but Clara’s speaking voice had a Kansas accent but her inner (thoughts) voice had Elizabeth McGovern’s trademark kind of British but not accent. However, I liked her narration and thought it was well done.

All in all a good story.

3 ½ Stars

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